INFORMATION: Course Structure, Course Elements and Assignments
You will find that the course elements, e.g. the discussion boards, homework assignments, quizzes, etc. are quite similar in structure to Part 1.
pEATT 1:2 builds on Part 1 in that we focus on the essentials in psychodynamic equine assisted traumatherapy. As we walk through the various aspects of trauma, its definitions, diagnostic categories and implications, your previously collected self reflections from Part 1 become important. Trauma is such a popular catchword these days. Most of us have reasons to want to work with trauma, often times particularly with military service members. Trauma also has an effect on us. However, these beliefs and concepts set us up to bring more of ourselves into the session than is (most often) good for our clients. As we explore the core information necessary to work with trauma and combat related stress reactions, you will be given the opportunity to get to know some of your beliefs and preexisting concepts and will - hopefully - expand your viewpoints, which will then effect your equine assisted work positively.
From there we will move into the direct application of what you have learned: we build on what has been presented by looking in more depth at various case examples, analyzing them step by step while addressing not only the "work process" but also factors that influence the entire team. In this section, we will be present and involved, to ensure that what has been presented is really understood. We encourage you to engage on the discussion board - with each other. I encourage you to take this offer and really work with the material I am presenting. Self reflections are part of insight oriented work. No matter if you, the mental health professional, come from a different approach and/or have learned to process things differently, or you come from the equine world: being self aware in a setting where horses are responsive to all ensures quality care in regards to ethical practices. I can only invite you - whether you take us up on it is up to you.
If you have attended any of my old trainings, you will see that I have structured this course to closely match our in-person/live trainings. I also did the best I could to liven it up, as I myself am not fond of online courses. Instead of simply watching me present, I engaged more in a conversation with my co - speaker partner, Katarina Lundgren. At times, we are discussing topics, at times questioning each other. I tried to ensure that during these conversations, as many possible questions as possible were covered.
DISCUSSION BOARDS: I have included the option for you to engage on the discussion boards (again). Contrary to Part 1, interacting with each other on the discussion board and participation in the reflection process is part of this course. Why? Because you have shown me your commitment to stick with this course, and not just take in information passively. So I am taking you up on it and have added questions for you to think about and explore. I am convinced this will lead to you increasing your knowledge. And your answers will give me the opportunity to get to know your thoughts on certain topics. It does not mean that I will "regulate" or necessarily discuss these topics with you. Your answers, though, will have an effect on how I am addressing topics in Module 2, specifically geared towards YOU.
In this course, I will not supervise you. By enrolling, you are eligible to attend one free group supervision/intervision. Please check the Information Board for dates and times. I will, however, not correct you. It is not important to me that you share my view. Instead, it is important to me that each one of you can develop your own comfort level of evaluating and possibly integrating what we are presenting here. I believe that each viewpoint and perception is valid and has its own right to be expressed - and is not be judged by others and/or us for being different. I will not allow discrimination or derogatory engagements and trust you to keep these policies in mind. The discussion boards are designed to facilitate group discussions focusing on specific questions related to the information in some units and, at times, select homework assignments. I trust you will use them to the best of your ability.
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: IF you intend to attend Module 2 you will have to submit an article related to any topic from this course to us - be it in writing (between 5-10 pages) or in video format (between 5-10 minutes). Please correspond with me on the topic you choose. I look forward to your ideas on topics and your submission!