Are you ready to put what you have learned into practice? Experience it? Practice it? Apply it?
In pEATT Module 1, you learned the theory - gained insight into "horse" and "yourself" and "trauma". Now it is time to apply what you have learned in this experiential practical training.
"I thought I had learned a lot by attending Module 1. But actually experiencing it has changed everything that I "knew" before. It has changed how I work - how I work with people - my entire outlook on all my relationships, and most of all my horses."
(pEATT Module 2 Training participant 2023)
A Horse is - of course - a Horse.
But experiencing the horse as a horse does require an unlearning and an update of previously thought concepts.
Experiencing and exploring
different viewpoints
A large part of this training consists of experiencing pEATT in practice - while other training participants accompany your process - all under the guidance of the pEATT trainer team.
Not Metaphors - Not Therapist - Not Attachment replacement
The quadrant approach entails that all participants - two- and four-legged ones - participate on equal ground and equal level.
Example Curriculum
Ready to fill your bucket
with practical experience?
Enroll now to get your registration paperwork and information.
Please NOTE: You MUST have completed pEATT Module 1:1 and Module 1:2 before attending Module 2. This is the only way we can ensure that all participants start off "on the same level" and can immediately go into practicing and applying what has been learned.
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